Day 20 - Thursday 8th August

We rose early today to sort everything out before assembly so we could make a quick getaway once it had finished. 

During assembly we were invited onto the stage for the final time. If Usha's departing speech hadn't set you off then your pupils coming up to you afterwards for a final hug definitely did. Many of us were surprised at how emotional our departure was for us individually with tears left right and centre. As we walked out of the grounds drying our eyes we turned around to see SJS pupils packed onto every available balcony and milling around the playground all waving and smiling at us. It was a picture-perfect moment which will not easily be forgotten.

After a four hour drive we arrived in Kovalam in the state of Kerala. we are staying at 'The Hotel Sea Face' which is a short drive from Thiruvananthapuram airport. The hotel, as the name suggests, directly faces the Indian Ocean. Some of us were more fortunate than others in their room allocation for a few rooms have an outside space with a swinging sunlounger right in front of the pool and thus the sea. We rushed off to lunch and subsequently had the rest of the day to ourselves.

Friday has been designated as a relaxation day. I think many of us will take the opportunity to explore Kovalam which has a lighthouse and plenty of souvenir shops, have a dip in the pool, top up the all important tan and catch up on all the reading we were meant to do while here. 

Our plane leaves for Dubai at 10.30am local time on Saturday morning from airport. Our flights are currently on schedule so we should arrive back in Gatwick at 7.30pm GMT.

I would like to thank all of you for following our blog and for leaving such supportive comments which made our efforts seem all the more worthwhile. To any readers unrelated to Emanuel School I'd also like to thank you for finding us. The 'visitors counter' which shows us where visitors to the blog come from has provided considerable entertainment for everyone. Unfortunately we've still got to attract visitors from the final two continents but we may get there one day.

See you upon our return.

By Kimberley 

Chaplain's note: On behalf of everyone I should like to thank Kimberley for her literacy and efficiency in ensuring that this blog will prove to be such a good record of what has proved to be a wonderfully successful and happy trip. 


  1. You have touched the depth of humanity

    It will survive with for ever. God bless you all.


  2. Welcome home Emanuels!
